Core de Force: Day 19, MMA Plyo

That was a very intense forty-seven minutes.  I am dripping in sweat.  That workout was amazing. This is the first time I encountered this particular routine throughout this program.  I usually am not a fan of plyometric workouts as jumping is still difficult for me. With this routine the modifications were easy to follow; they…

Core de Force: Day 13, Power Sculpt

I probably could have put more effort into doing this workout today.  I struggled to get motivation throughout this workout.  I pushed through and completed it; the hubs did the workout with me as well. Even though I went slow I got a good workout.  When I say slow I mean slower than my normal…

Core de Force: Day 12, MMA Power

My goodness was this an intense workout.  I am sweating.  I loved every second of it. The combinations were a bit more complex than usual.  I went slow, like always, and took my time to make sure I got all the movements correct.  That didn’t affect how much my heart rate went up.  I just…

Core De Force: Day 11, Dynamic Strength

Today was a good day.  I woke up refreshed last night as I had plenty of rest.  So I had plenty of energy and was fully awake for my workout this morning. Dynamic Strength is always challenging for me as it has so many pushups.  I really have to motivate myself to do them.  But…

Core De Force: Day 10, MMA Shred & Core Kinetics

It was another double workout day again.  Once again these two did not disappoint.  I was sweating and absolutely loved it. I have noticed that my form is getting better when doing these workouts.  I have been concentrating more on getting the movements right with each combination.  I go slow but still get a great…

Core De Force: Day 9, Power Sculpt

I wasn’t a fan of this particular routine when it first time it came up in the program.  I wasn’t super motivated to do it either time it came up on the calendar.  But I must say I surprised myself this time around. I found myself concentrating on the moves more.  I really focused on…

Core De Force: Day 7 & 8, Active Recovery, MMA Shred/Core Kinetics

I am dripping.  I am literally dripping in sweat after today’s workout.  But I am getting ahead of myself. Yesterday was Active Recovery in this program.  It wasn’t bad.  It combined some easy and light cardio with stretching.  The entire workout is about twenty-one minutes so its not very long.  I enjoyed it.  It felt…

Core de Force: Day 5 & 6, MMA Shred & Dynamic Strength

Sorry, I forgot to post yesterday.  I had a very weird day.  I woke up at six in the morning and had a spell of vertigo.  After an hour I fell back asleep on the family room couch and had the weirdest dream ever.  I was extremely tired all day which stunk since I had…

Core de Force: Day 3, MMA Speed

Just like on day one, MMA Speed did not disappoint.  My workout was incredible.  I feel that my stance has gotten better too. I still went slow to make sure I got all the moves right.  Listening to what Jericho was saying, this is actually encouraged in the program (especially for beginners).  That was cool…

Core de Force: Day 2, Dynamic Strength

This workout tested me mentally.  I was not in the mood for a strength workout; I really just wanted to do cardio and zone out again (like yesterday with MMA Speed).  But I got through it and really pushed myself (mentally).  I got a sweat going on with it and I feel accomplished for getting…

Core De Force: Day 1, MMA Speed.

During the cool-down period of this workout, Jericho says “how do you feel?”  Honestly, I feel like if this was a real MMA Fight I would have had my ass kicked.  As a workout, I have a different opinion. I tried to go all out during MMA Speed and I couldn’t keep up with the…

Insanity Asylum: Day 30, Sports Performance Assessment.

I did it.  I completed this program!  I honestly never thought that I would have gotten this far.  I am down two pounds as well! I know two pounds doesn’t sound like much.  But I didn’t do this program to lose weight.  I did this program to get my focus back towards exercising for my…