Insanity Asylum: Day 28 & 29, Relief & Speed & Agility

Yesterday the hubs and I went for a walk.  Afterward, I did Relief and it was a really great stretch.  It was the perfect way to end the week. Today was Speed And Agility.  It was amazing.  It took me a little longer to get going this morning, but I got it done. I rocked…

Insanity Asylum: Day 27, Back To Core

This workout is difficult when you have a knot in your shoulder.   It really works your arms, back, shoulders, and core.  So having a knot in your shoulder blade makes it harder to do many of the exercises. Periodically I had to stop and put a tennis ball on my shoulder and lean against a…

Insanity Asylum: Day 26, Vertical Plyo

Holy sweat!  I can feel the sweat dripping down my face and hit my neck.  That is how intense this workout was today.  I feel both amazing and uber proud of myself. I am still doing the jumps slowly and hopping when needed.  This exercise routine involves a lot of jumping so it is best…

Insanity Asylum: Day 25, Overtime & Game Day.

I was super lucky that this routine fell on my day off.  It was over an hour of training.  So having these two exercises fall on my day off was nice; I could take my time and not feel rushed while doing them. I was sweating.  It felt great. Overtime is a great way to…

Insanity Asylum: Day 24, Strength

I had a hard time motivating myself this morning.  I woke up two hours earlier than normal for no particular reason.  At least I was able to get this workout in before I went to my chiropractor appointment. I was happy that it was the Strength workout today since my motivation was hard to find. …

Insanity Asylum: Day 23, Speed & Agility

Its been a bit since this workout has appeared on the calendar.  I feel as though I have really progressed since the last time I did it.  That is just awesome. I noticed that I can hold and do the mountain climbers a bit longer.  I am also improving with jumping.  I definitely believe my…

Insanity Asylum: Day 21 & 22, Back To Core & Rest Day.

Sorry, I forgot to post yesterday. It was my day off from work and I had a bunch of chores to do.  The hubs and I still got our Sunday workout in before all our errands. Back To Core is nice because it involves strength training but without the lifting of weights.  I opted to…

Insanity Asylum: Day 20, Vertical Plyo

I feel that this program is helping me a lot.  I actually attempted all the jumps today!  Did I complete them?  No, I ended up going back to hopping or tapping.  I am so proud of myself for actually trying them.  That is awesome. Since it is Saturday that Hubs did the workout with me. …

Insanity Asylum: Day 18 & 19, Relief, Game Day, & Overtime.

I have been in a bad mood for the last two days.  My anxiety has been all over the place and the last few exercises, unfortunately, didn’t help to relieve it.  But I still did them and the sweat was in full force with these two workouts. Today wasn’t much of a difference.  Our air…

Insanity Asylum; Day 17, Strength

Today was tough.  It wasn’t that the exercises were tough to do.  Instead, it was that the transition to go from those last two cardio or total body workouts to solid strength. To change the mindset was a challenge.  I had some trouble with it.  I did end up doing the workout and completed it. …

Insanity Asylum: Day 16, Vertical Plyo.

Today I officially surpassed the halfway mark for this program.  This is amazing.  I can’t believe I have come this far.  I know I am going to annihilate the rest of this program. Today I made going hard during these workouts as a trend.  My heart rate ranged from 115 bpms to 140 bpms; this…