Round 3: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (week 2).

This week is, pretty much, all done while I am on vacation. Its tough because I have no scale to help me see my progress. But I am hoping for some non-scale victories this week! Day 8: Today’s workout was awesome. My heart rate got up to 152BPMs at one point and was continuously in…

Round 3: 30 Day Shred Week 1, Level 1.

Yup doing it again. I’ve been having great success with this program so I am keeping up with it. Day 1: My workout was good. I could’ve pushed myself more but my heart rate was at a steady 134BPMs. I am still at an eleven pound weight loss. I have worked on my self care…

30 Day Shred On Vacation (Day 19 & 20).

I have done workouts on vacation before.  They are easy to fit in and not difficult to do.  Even if you have a small space; you can fit in a workout. This vacation we are in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  If you have never been there before, it’s a national historic park where the Battle of Gettysburg…

Vacation Mode

Last time I went on vacation I made a point to exercise as much as possible.  If you read my post No Vacation Whoas, then you know and understand that it can be difficult.  Needless to say, I didn’t exercise at all this time around. Yup, I was pretty bad.  I ate whatever I wanted….

Workout Whoas.

This past week I have been really bad.  I fell off the wagon regarding my food choices.  I ended up gaining four pounds.  I still exercised but the food is a huge deal. This week I am getting back on track.  I leave for vacation on Friday so that is my motivation for the week. …

T25 Round 2 Beta Cardio Week Done.

Yup! Beta Cardio week is complete.  This is an add-on I created for this program.  Before I start the level (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) I do a full week of the cardio.  I do this because it helps ease me into the speed of the level; it also teaches some of the basic moves that will…

Vacation & Exercise?

What do you for exercise when you’re on vacation? Today I leave for a long weekend.  I know that there will be a lot of walking but I want to workout in addition to all the walking.  Why? Well, there will be a lot of dining out since it is a vacation; that means a…