Shaun Week At 50 LBs loss!

After I finished Jillian Michael’s 30 Day shred I had only seen a few pounds lost. It wasn’t that the program was bad (because its not at all) I just lost motivation towards the end. This happen frequently with me; so I decided to try another favorite and that was Shaun T’s T25 program from…

Round 3: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (Week 4).

So far I am down 14 pounds since I started this program back in April. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot but for me it is. I really pushed myself to get moving more and focus on food types. I had to take baby steps in order for me to take a large…

Round 3: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (Week 3).

I am starting this week off strong; I woke up and was down another pound making me down 13 since I started this program. Since I started this weightloss journey in 2018 I am down a total of 38 pounds. I could not be prouder of myself. This entire experience hasn’t been easy but I…

Round 3: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (week 2).

This week is, pretty much, all done while I am on vacation. Its tough because I have no scale to help me see my progress. But I am hoping for some non-scale victories this week! Day 8: Today’s workout was awesome. My heart rate got up to 152BPMs at one point and was continuously in…

Round 3: 30 Day Shred Week 1, Level 1.

Yup doing it again. I’ve been having great success with this program so I am keeping up with it. Day 1: My workout was good. I could’ve pushed myself more but my heart rate was at a steady 134BPMs. I am still at an eleven pound weight loss. I have worked on my self care…

Round 2: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (Week 4).

Last week I lost an additional two pounds. I am super proud of myself for really focusing on the type of food I eat. I have had more energy and just feel better. I have also been focusing on my mental health more. It has been a great experience. Day 22: I did good today….

Round 2: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (Week 3).

I didn’t loose any weight last week but I maintained. I do feel stronger and my body just feels better. I also started focusing on the type of food I eat (slowly easing myself off of sugar) and drinking more water to keep hydrated. Day 15: Today is the day after my second covid-19 vaccine….

Round 2: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (week 2).

Last week was good. I had some challenges because I started focusing on the type of food I am eating but overall I did great. I lost a total of seven pounds and I hope to continue with that progress. This week I am going to try my best to eat more healthy and really…

Round 2: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (Week 1).

This is the second round of this program for me. I did ok the first time around but I know I could have done better; my mind wasn’t fully invested into it. I have lost only four pounds and all of that was with within the last few days. This time around I have started…

30 Day Shred Week 4 (Level 1):

Whatever I did to my knee has really hindered my progress. My motivation dropped dramatically as well as put a damper on my mental health. So I am working on the later because I know that a good mindset can change everything. Day 1: I took it easy on myself today. I was getting frustrated…

30 Day Shred Week 3 (Level 1).

I am fourteen days in to this thirty day program and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. Day 1: My body is very achy today. I am not sure if it is the new england weather or if its because of the workout. Regardless, I pushed myself through the program and I feel great. My…

30 Day Shred Week 2

I had great success in sticking with this program last week. I know I can continue to make progress this week. Day 1: I had a headache today. But, unlike last week, I wasn’t going to let it stop me from going all out exercising today. I usually try to do my workouts early but…