Long Time No Run


It’s been an epic dramatic few years… month? I dunno it has been a while. My weight has continued to fluctuate and I am back at 222 pounds… Again!

Like most of you, I have tried everything from calorie counting to all those apps you have seen on social media. On a positive note, I am cheap and refuse to pay for something past its free trial.

Spiritually, I am aware that my weight and eating is connected to my mental health. I know that I eat my feelings and that is the hard part for me. I have to find something that will replace food when my mental health and emotions want me to eat. Historically, I have always meditated by walking and I have had good results.

The new trend that I have witnessed is walking. You take a quiz and it tells you how much you need to walk in order to get to your weight loss goal. Well I am cautious on those quizzes cause they always have you sign up for the program before you get your results and then your email ends up on the dark web somewhere. I am not about to do that.

But I did cave and got a DeerRun treadmill pad. I figure that $150 is better to spend on a machine that may or may not be used regularly instead of spending thousands on a full-on treadmill that ends up holding laundry. Honestly, it’s not bad. It was super easy to set up and I have used it often.

But the point of this post isn’t to talk up or talk down any programs or machines. It is to help me get refocused on my self-care. Before getting my new full-time job, I used to walk every morning, I was more relaxed and lost weight. I would also hit over 10,000 steps before 11:00 AM. I want to do this again.

I want that feeling back. So my goal with this new treadmill pad is to get back to hitting 10,000 every morning. But I realize that I have to work towards that. So I have started walking in 30-minute increments each morning; I break it up by doing something in between whether its abdominals, push-ups, or drinking a cup of green tea. I have done this for two days now and I feel wonderful so far!

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