Round 3: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (Week 3).


I am starting this week off strong; I woke up and was down another pound making me down 13 since I started this program. Since I started this weightloss journey in 2018 I am down a total of 38 pounds. I could not be prouder of myself. This entire experience hasn’t been easy but I am getting stronger both mentally and physically. Most importantly I am getting healthier. It’s pretty amazing.

Day 15: My heart rate got up to 158BPMs today and steadily fluctuated between 130 and 145BPMs. Thats awesome! I feel incredible as well. Getting back into the routine this week hasn’t been as difficult as it has in the past and I am proud of that.

Day 16: I was bad today. I ate way over my calories and not the best foods either. But I made sure to get my workout in. It was a great workout my heart rate got up to 150BPMs at one point. Also the hubs and I did a two mile walk as well. It was nice. I need to focus on my type of foods for the remainder of the week.

Day 17: I am down another pound. I dunno how since I didn’t eat well yesterday but I managed to drop again. Today I have my meals planned out already (which I do almost everyday) to help me stay on track with food choices. My workout was great; my heart rate didn’t get as high as it had the past few days and that’s ok. The hubs and I did a three mile walk today as well. All and all it was a great day.

Day 18: My workout was great today. My heart rate hit a high of 151BPMs and stayed steadily between 125 to 135BPMs. Not bad at all. I am also making sure that my self care and mental health are taken care of; I am making sure that this is a priority as well.

Day 19: I gained bloat weight. It’s ok though, because I know that if I drink more water it will go away. I haven’t been drinking as much as I was in the past. So I figure my body is trying to tell me something. My workout was alright. My heart rate hadn’t reach a high point but stayed level within the 120BPM range.

Day 20: My workout was decent. I have a busy day today since its Father’s Day (nine hour shift) so I know that my food intake won’t be as good as it usually is. I didn’t have my normal time to ‘wake up’ so I had to force my workout this morning. I am proud of myself for getting it done regardless.

Day 21: I struggled again this morning. I haven’t been sleeping well so I woke up exhausted. My workout was alright. My heart rate ranged from the 120BPMs to the 130BPMs so it wasn’t terrible for me. Luckily I lost the bloat weight though so I am going to make sure I focus on drinking water more often.

Overall I would say this week was challenging. With that being said I am happy that I was able to push through it and keep going. I am down a total of 14 pounds this past month and a half and 39 since I started this journey in 2018. Not bad at all!

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