Round 3: 30 Day Shred Level 1 (week 2).


This week is, pretty much, all done while I am on vacation. Its tough because I have no scale to help me see my progress. But I am hoping for some non-scale victories this week!

Day 8: Today’s workout was awesome. My heart rate got up to 152BPMs at one point and was continuously in the 130BPM range throughout the entire workout. It was awesome. I have noticed that my stamina is better as well; I am able to get up the stairwell to get to the hotel room floor more easily! I have also noticed that my appetite isn’t as big as it use to be as well.

Day 9: The workout today was amazing. My heart rate got up to 135BPMs not as high as yesterday and thats ok. The hubs and I went hiking again and we climbed to the top of Big Round Top; I hadn’t been able to push through that in several years. My heart rate got up to the 150BPMs during that hike (it was super humid). It was incredible. I am so proud that I was able to do that hike.

Day 10: My workout was about the same today as yesterday. It was a kind of hectic day as the hubs and I are renewing our wedding vows (10 year anniversary). I had an incredible non-scale victory. I can wrap a towel around myself! I know that sounds super strange but I hadn’t been able to do that in a long time.

Day 11: I skipped the workout today as we had a busy day since we were driving home. I couldn’t have squeezed in the twenty-five minutes in but I didn’t. It is my own fault.

Day 12: I had a lazy morning but I managed to get the workout in tonight. My heart rate didn’t get as high as I wanted but thats ok. I am getting back into the swing of the routine. The hubs and I also did a two mile walk this afternoon as well. Yay! Unfortunately I gained two pounds while on vacation; I am hoping its just bloating from eating out for a week.

Day 13: I did great today. My heart rate got up to 135BPMs while working out today. I had a lot of energy. I drank a lot of water as well and really focused on my food and calorie goal. It was a good day today and I feel great getting back into the swing of things.

Day 14: I lost the two pounds I gained! I, now, fully believe that it was bloat. My workout today was incredible. I got up to 148BPMs today! I have the entire day off from work today so I am going to focus on my self care.

I am proud of myself that I didn’t fall out of my routine; it is very easy to do that. I was able to keep up eating healthy and exercising while I was away. That is amazing. I am so happy with the hubs for also staying on track. We are doing great and feeling great. It feels so good to have accomplished something like this.

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